What Makes a Good Electric Car Charger

What Makes a Good Electric Car Charger

It’s undeniable that electric cars are conquering the auto market. As the number of vehicles increases, so does the infrastructure for electric car charging. Electric vehicle owners are increasingly deciding to charge their batteries in the comfort of their homes using mobile chargers. Whether you have already joined the ranks of happy e-car owners or are considering investing in this eco-friendly mode of transport, the question arises: “How can I charge my electric car at home?” To choose the best option, it’s important to know about the types of electric car chargers.

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Electric Car Charger – One Goal, Various Options

Charging an e-vehicle can be done in several ways. One solution is, of course, choosing a public station. Charging stations are continually expanding and adapting to customer needs. Building an e-charging station is much cheaper, faster, and definitely more environmentally friendly than a classic gas station. However, electric car users have other options for charging their vehicles.

Charging can be done at a station or with electricity from a home socket. A good idea is to use a WallBox station, which is safe, fast, and convenient. However, this requires a high connection capacity, so sometimes it’s necessary to upgrade the home network.

Practical alternatives to electric car chargers are mobile stations, which combine maximum charging power with great flexibility. They allow the battery to be charged through a standard 230 V socket. An additional advantage is that they can be taken anywhere needed. Their attractive price and good performance make them an optimal solution, adapting to the needs and equipment requirements of every e-car.

It’s worth noting that the price of electricity doesn’t change as dynamically as fuel prices, making the purchase of a green energy-powered car a kind of investment. To further reduce costs, it’s possible to use a solar panel system.

When Do You Need a Mobile Electric Car Charger? A portable charger is a perfect solution for charging electric vehicles. It’s an innovative device that provides power to the car anytime and anywhere. Simply plug it into a standard socket, such as in the garage. Portable chargers are highly valued by those who own an electric car. There’s a huge selection available in stores, so it’s worth taking some time to familiarize yourself with the ratings of specific models and decide on the equipment. Excellent quality, appropriate performance and type, and a recognized brand are the best guarantees of satisfaction with a mobile charger.

It’s worth knowing that not only fully electric cars but also plug-in hybrid cars can be charged at home. As a result, short distances in the city can be covered practically without emitting pollutants and saving fuel. These are just two of the many reasons to buy a WallBox electric car charger for home use.

The WallBox device is designed for installation in households, most often in garages, and less frequently in driveways or near parking spaces. In simple terms, it’s a fast charger for electric cars and plug-in hybrids. Depending on the expected performance and installation possibilities, the WallBox can be connected to an existing electrical network or a separate circuit. Its task is to charge the battery as quickly as possible while providing maximum safety.

What to Consider When Choosing a WallBox? The first criterion is the number of phases. There are 1-phase and 3-phase wall chargers. Depending on the protection, they can achieve a charging power between 3.7 and 22 KW. In practice, this means that a 1-phase charger with 32A protection can produce up to 7 kW. With the same protections, a 3-phase charger reaches 22 kW. As you can see, a 3-phase wall box can triple the performance of a 1-phase WallBox. This is very valuable and important information as it significantly influences the speed of battery charging.

Not only the WallBox models vary, but also the prices. The main reason for the price differences is additional elements, such as expanding functions with a mobile app, the possibility of sharing the charger with other users, or the quality of construction.

WallBox vs. Car Model If you buy an electric car and have the opportunity, definitely get a personal charging station. Every car manufacturer offers unique WallBox models tailored to their vehicles. Therefore, when choosing the right charger, it’s advisable to prefer the solutions recommended by the manufacturers. This ensures the safety guarantee and you will surely receive a very good quality charger with appropriate performance. If you’re unsure about what to choose, it’s a good idea to discuss your doubts with the seller. They will help select the appropriate WallBox model and the necessary equipment.

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